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Materials provided by Foamty could be:
- Waterproof
- Airtight
- Lightweight
- Cushioning
- Highly heat-resistant
- Low smoke
- Flame retardant
- Electrically insulating
Practical applications: cabins, tubing and various interior usages of the aviation industry. The materials themselves are clean and almost odorless, and throughout production and processing stages they also conform to the following regulations:
- Environment & toxic substances related regulations in Europe and America: FAR 25.853 (d), RoHS 2.0, REACH
- Aviation industries related regulations: BMS 8-371D, ABS 5754A & B, AIMS04-14-09

Zotek® F、Azote®

Zotek® F OSU、Zote® F、Azote®
Trim Panels

Zotek® F OSU
Tray Tables

Zotek® F OSU 、 Zotek® F

Zotek® F
Compartment Interior

Zotek® F OSU